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The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling


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annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works *illustrated with images of how the novels first appeared, giving your Kindle a taste of the original texts* ALL the novels and each with their own contents table *THE JUNGLE BOOK and other popular collections are fully illustrated* all of the short stories, with excellent formatting, and contents tables *rare short story collections like ABAFT THE FUNNEL – first time in digital print* includes all of Kipling’s non-fiction war writings – spend hours exploring Kipling’s studies of World War I – many available in no other collection *EVEN includes Kipling’s poetry with special contents table – find that special poem quickly!* the rare history textbook Kipling contributed to for schools *the fully illustrated war text THE GRAVES OF THE FALLEN which Kipling was commissioned to write by the British Government* packed full of images relating to Kipling’s life, works, places and film adaptations* scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Kipling’s immense oeuvrePlease we aim to provide the most comprehensive author collections available to Kindle readers. Sadly, it’s not possible to guarantee an absolutely ‘complete’ works, due to US copyright restrictions on 5 minor story collections, speeches and the autobiography. However, we do ensure our customers that every possible major text and a wealth of other material are included. If you feel a significant text is missing, please contact us via our website. We are dedicated to developing and enhancing our eBooks, which are available as free updates for customers who have already purchased them. Rudyard Kipling is a paramount literary figure, having created an impressive corpus of work as varied as treasured children’s classics, compelling novels, beautiful poetry and critical non-fiction war writings. This eBook offers readers the unique opportunity of exploring this prolific writer’s work in a manner never before possible – ALL in one file. The edition includes every Kipling novel, almost every short story, poem, non-fiction text and many bonus NovelsTHE LIGHT THAT FAILEDTHE NAULAHKA, A STORY OF WEST AND EASTCAPTAINS COURAGEOUSKIMThe Shorter FictionTHE CITY OF DREADFUL NIGHTQUARTETTEPLAIN TALES FROM THE HILLSSOLDIERS THREE AND OTHER STORIESUNDER THE DEODARSTHE PHANTOM RICKSHAW AND OTHER EERIE TALESWEE WILLIE WINKIE AND OTHER CHILD STORIESLIFE’S HANDICAPMANY INVENTIONSTHE JUNGLE BOOKTHE SECOND JUNGLE BOOKTHE DAY’S WORKSTALKY & CO.JUST SO STORIES FOR LITTLE CHILDRENTRAFFICS AND DISCOVERIESPUCK OF POOK’S HILLACTIONS AND REACTIONSABAFT THE FUNNELREWARDS AND FAIRIESA DIVERSITY OF CREATURESThe Short StoriesCHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIESALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIESThe Travel WritingFROM SEA TO SEA – LETTERS OF 1887-1889AMERICAN NOTESLETTERS OF 1892-1913SOUVENIRS OF FRANCEBRAZILIAN SKETCHESThe PoetryLIST OF THE COMPLETE POETRYThe Non-FictionA FLEET IN BEINGA HISTORY OF ENGLANDTHE NEW ARMY IN TRAININGFRANCE AT WARTHE FRINGES OF THE FLEETSEA WARFARETHE WAR IN THE MOUNTAINSTHE GRAVES OF THE FALLENTHE IRISH GUARDS IN THE GREAT WA

About Author

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including The Man Who Wou


Rudyard Kipling





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