Mr. Satterthwaite has always enjoyed being around young people, their energy and lack of cares. When he is invited to Madge Keeley’s for a game of Ouija, he forsakes the comfort of his home in London, and joins in. It’s not long before the board surprisingly spells out QUIN and the name of a place. Mr. Satterthwaite’s instincts tell him that a murder may occur soon and that he should drop everything to investigate… Librarian’s note #1: it is not known whether this short story was published in a magazine prior to the print anthology ‘The Mysterious Mr. Quin’ which came out in 1930. Librarian’s note #2: the print anthology contains 12 Mr. Quin short stories. Besides those, there are two more found in other collections: ‘The Love Detectives,’ and ‘The Harlequin Tea Set.’ Mr. Satterthwaite also appears in ‘Three Act Tragedy’ and ‘Dead Man’s Mirror.’ All by Agatha Christie, of course! Librarian’s note #3: the entries for all fourteen Mr. Quin short stories can be found on GR by searching: ‘a Harley Quin short story.’ Details such as characters and settings are included for each.
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